Download file from jamf
In addition you're able to select Save Only, i. Checksums are used to determine if the package to upload differs from what is already on the JCDS. The status bars represent the progress of all transfers.
Handle failed uploads issue 9. Add option to compare packages by size. Catch and report on failed uploads. Allow up to 3 simultaneous uploads. Present different icons to identify missing packages or non-matching checksums between source and destination.
Preserve display name while copying. Added check for destination JCDS being the principal distribution point, and warn if not. Additional checks to verify authentication to the jamf server. You check the Jamf Pro policy logs and it looks like the software installed correctly and everything else seems normal. The next logical step is to check the install. How are you going to get that log file? What if you just wanted to grab the logs quickly behind the scenes? Now you can do both with logCollection, an open-source workflow created for just this use case.
Then all you have to do is go to that computer record and download them under Attachments. Go to solution. All forum topics Previous Topic Next Topic. Check: File services running on the Mac Distribution point credentials Policy log for this computer In the policy log, click the Details button next to the last failed event.
LOL, so I got a lot further. Here is the log after the failure. Hi Chad, I see that you marked this as solved. Post Reply. Preview Exit Preview. Additional options Associated Products. Although you cannot view or edit these payloads, they are still applied to the deployment targets.
Click Upload and upload the configuration profile. Optional If you chose to distribute the profile in Self Service, click the Self Service tab to configure Self Service settings for the profile.
If you want to view the contents of a configuration profile for troubleshooting purposes, you can download the profile. Click Download. For each configuration profile, you can view the number of the deployments targets with a status of Complete, Remaining, or Failed for the profile installation.
Note: Depending on your system configuration, status data may not be available for profiles installed using Jamf Pro 9. Click Configuration Profiles.
A list of configuration profiles is displayed. For each profile, you can view the number of the deployment targets for which the profile installation has a Completed, Remaining, or Failed status. Note: If a device becomes unmanaged after a profile is successfully distributed to it, the profile will continue to be displayed in the Completed column.
To view a list of deployment targets with a status of Complete, Remaining, or Failed for the profile installation, click the number displayed in the corresponding column.
Then click Back in the top-left corner of the pane. To view logs for a configuration profile, click View in the corresponding row. For a different date range, specify the starting and ending dates using the Date Range pop-up calendars. Click Back in the top-left corner of the pane. Viewing the Pending Management Commands for a Mobile Device Find out how to view and cancel pending mobile device configuration profile installations and removals for a mobile device. Viewing Configuration Profiles for a Mobile Device Find out how to view the mobile device configuration profiles in the scope for a mobile device.
Mobile Device History Information Find out how to view all completed, pending, and failed mobile device configuration profile installations and removals for a mobile device.